Customized Solutions

Every business today need a web-application. This need is differs from business to business. It mainly depends on size of business and area of applications. PHP & .NET are largest platform used for web-application development. We specialize in both. We have been providing customized solutions to cross section of Industrial Sectors for last decade. From our experience we understand that how crucial it is to choose right technological platform for the development. The detailed requirements analysis, budget constrains, volume of transactions and nature of transactions are the key factors in this decision making. Only such an application that is custom developed can automate the business process and increase the productivity and efficiency.

.Net Development

Recent Project

Bill of Material Generation

This application is developed specially for manufacturing industry where thousands of parts are referred while generating one ‘BOM’.

It is used as a SAP Add-On application by design and marketing department for generating customized ‘BOM’ required for Indian Market.

The application is developed using Entity Framework and Java Script. The application uses Tabbed theme to present:

  1. Assembly Details.
  2. Individual Part Details.
  3. Various ‘BOM’ that handles part design revisions, cost revisions and parent-child relationships.

PHP Development

Recent Project

Handling Medical Transcription Process

This application is developed specially for medico-legal industry. The application handles complex work flow of generating reports for medico-legal cases registered.

This wok flow in manual operations used Microsoft Word Templates extensively. There was extreme rigidity for formatting specifications while generating .PDF report. At the same time complete flexibility was required for editing the template.

This was a classic case of agile development where flexible content is handles using rich text editors and data fields were handled in php forms. The application is now succcessfully deployed and is used by its global audiance.

Our Well proven

Developmental Process

Understanding & translating requirements into functionality

An utmost important stage that lays the strong foundation. Our expertise is in collecting information, finding out the pain areas and formulating the exact requirements. Team then brainstorms translating these requirements into functionality. Such a solution has always been most effective solution for the businesses.

Presenting the solution

UI team creates mock Interface presenting navigation flow, control points and validations to be implemented. We encourage interactions with end users and management so that all the specific requirements are addressed at this stage. This stage seals the success of application.

Development stage Kick-off

Technical head and its developmental team starts the activities.  Its a meticulously planned process closely monitored by Project Manager. We believe in presenting timely spaced prototypes to the users to avoid and ‘Last Minute Surprises’.  This acts as stimulant for timely delivery of the project.

The moment of truth

The developed product is tested for its Functional accuracy and User Experience. Developmental team is on toes giving final touches and making it ready for the implementation.

Implementation - Going Live

Whether it is website or an Application this is a meticulously planned process with all the ‘i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. A smooth transition is ensured. Once live we engage into user training and hand-holding till the new system is in place.

Hand Holding makes it successful

Our team conducts user training and keep supporting the end users whenever needed. This ensures end users getting familiar with the new system. The timely help is our specialty that is always appreciated by all our customers.

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