Furnitech seating

Know Your Intrinsic Character Strengths

Homepage Highlights

Slider showcasing 24 years of Legacy. It sets the tone for the website.

The line drawings, block texts and furniture photos are placed in layers giving a seamless flow to the home page.

Rich Photo Gallery, simple logo slider combined with infographics provides the information subtly. The Blog and testimonial section makes the home page complete.

Separate primary, secondary, tertiary and footer menu developed for every product. These are seamless integrated with wordpress menus to ensure user experience

furnitechseating.com website development – Elgance of the products reflected in the website design

Going Live Date
25th August 2022

Website Status
Handed Over to IT Department

Going Live Date
1st December 2018

Website Status
Under AMC 

Website developed for Monjin by matching pixel-to-pixel design requirement

Blending inner pages


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