Nitin Amin

A true presentation of Artist

Homepage Highlights

Full page slider for a talented performing musician, a flautist. It captures his ‘Mudra’  and presents different activities initited by him.

The vibrant colours used reflect his equally vibrant initiatives, his digital presence and his community.

Being a teacher, mentor Nitin Amin connects with his students through ‘My Musings’ – his video sniplets.

Separate primary, secondary, tertiary and footer menu developed for every product. These are seamless integrated with wordpress menus to ensure user experience website development – A Pixel perfect match

Going Live Date
14th December 2022

Website Status
Under AMC 

Going Live Date
1st December 2018

Website Status
Under AMC 

Website developed for Monjin by matching pixel-to-pixel design requirement

Blending inner pages


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