Case Study - Website Development for Monjin

Overview about the organization

Monjin is an organization founded by group of like minded, and passionate professionals from all over the world. Monjin offers   world’s first people assessment AI-based video platform and database of video interviews developed from scratch. The platform creates a global network of experts, with incredible experiences & schedules them with candidates across the world for a video interview based on skills, role & experience.

Task Assigned

  • Develop a WordPress website exactly as per the INVISION design provided.
  • Understanding the vulnerability of WordPress develop a secured bridge for connecting to Video Interview platform
  • Every Product will have its functionality illustrated in a dynamic way.

Framework & Design Specification

  • Recreate INVISION Design for all pages
  • Responsiveness is to be ensured for Mobile, Tabs & MAC devices
  • Product functionality to be displayed dynamically without using Videos
  • Every Product has colour code
  • This code is to be reflected on all related pages of that product 
  • Different set of pages to display separate menu as
    • Primary Menu 
    • Footer Menu 
    • Secondary Menu
    • Tertiary Menu
  • All images display will have sharpness and will load quickly even with low bandwidth

Methodology Implemented

  • Developed a customized theme
  • Developed Separate Menus with
    • Different drop-down behavior
    • Responsiveness
  • Developed module fetching required Menus on specific pages
    • At Primary Menu location
    • Footer Menu location
    • Sticky Menu
    • Secondary Menu
    • Tertiary Menu
  • Overall Responsiveness is achieved with
    • SVG Images & SVG Animation
    • Each Page have separate sections for Gadgets screens
Home Page – INVISION
Product Menu INVISION
Home Page – Website
Product Menu Website

Product Functionality Illustration – SVG Animation

Visit actual Page on website

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