Solving Coliosis
Live healthy life with scoliosisHomepage Highlights
Dr. Dr Shridhar Chiplunkar firmly believes that implementing postural interventions scoliosis can be cured without medication or surgery. The home page is designed to showcase his technques and create awareness through full-width video.
What is Scoliosis? is answered in layman’s language. These complex wordings are made simpler to understand with illustrations
The simple checks that can be detected at early stage specially in children were displayed illustratively. The entire home page is very informative, user friendly, designed forcreating awareness about its treatment methodology. website development – As name suggests it is all about scoliosis and its treating it with postural interventions
Going Live Date
9th Oct 2017
Website Status
Handed over to IT Dept.
Website URL
Nimble esolutions
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Erandawane, Pune – 411004
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